Put Your Duty of Care to the Test—Then Test Some More—With Attend Safe
More than 455,000 new cases of COVID-19 in one week—last week—in the U.S. Two-thousand seven-hundred three dead in one week—last week—from COVID-19 infections in the U.S. Each was as predictable as a turkey dinner on the fourth Thursday in November (often because of travel through busy travel terminals on the way to that dinner).
People are still getting infected by the latest variants of the coronavirus. People are still dying from those infections. Yet just one in seven Americans, a little more than 14%, have gotten the latest coronavirus vaccine.
How does this affect event planners, school administrators or other professionals responsible for bringing groups of people together? The low rate of people embracing the latest COVID-19 vaccinations means that they can’t rely on immunity to prevent their gatherings from becoming spreader events for a virus that has already killed more than a million people in the U.S. That means they need to turn to testing to help protect their gatherings. It’s a no-brainer.
Attend Safe will work with you to create a plan that deploys test kits to attendees before their arrival at your event site. Attend Safe also offers daily on-site testing services, for COVID-19 and, for those who wish, for the other two legs of the “Tri-demic”: Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus.
Taking reasonable steps to provide a safe environment is a basic principle of leadership. It’s a fundamental expectation. We have enough experience of these three respiratory viruses to know how to reduce the likelihood of infections and death. Yet our hospitals are filling up again.
I’m sure the people who prepare food in restaurants get tired of washing their hands again and again. It’s kind of boring. It’s not their favorite thing. They’d like to move on to something more fun. But when you eat the food they prepare, don’t you kind of expect that they’ve taken that most basic step to protect your health? If they make you sick, wouldn’t you wonder, why didn’t they take such a simple step to provide safety?
The risk mitigation we provide through something as simple as testing is similar: It’s a simple step, not glamorous or flashy, just a simple step that increases the safety of everyone you’ve invited to come through your doors.
Amanda Schleede is founder and CEO of Attend Safe, which helps people attend to life with safe, secure and sensible protocols. Her leadership allows important events to proceed with safety-conscious protections. With Tuesday Tutor, she hopes others will benefit from her experience. Visit Attend Safe online at AttendSafe.com.