You Can’t Be Afraid to Speak Your Truth
New coronavirus cases surged in most counties in New York State last week, putting them in the “High Risk” category. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for that category recommend indoor masking (including for schools), yet the state refrained from imposing an indoor mask mandate—and made the announcement on Friday afternoon, when it was most likely to be overlooked.

Responsibility Is a Titanic Expectation at Sea or on Land
During the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve seen bad communication that still hampers our recovery. Early statements by officials calling it “the flu” led many people to be dismissive of any further guidance, especially when some officials still hold that position.

Active Perception Allows Better Engagement and Better Decision-Making
I’ve talked about active perception, about making sure all voices are heard. Part of self-awareness also includes being able to make a decision, even if there isn’t a consensus. People will respect a leader who makes an informed decision, as long as they got their say and know it was heard—that “respectful treatment” noted above.

Learning Is a Trait for a Game-Changer
Unfortunately, the pandemic was a game-changer—revealing a need for leaders who could understand, learn and adapt.

Prevent Fear From Disrupting Your Success
People want approval, control and security. Of the three, control probably was the first out the window as the coronavirus pandemic took hold.

Attend to Leadership: An Attend Safe Blog
The experience of these last few years has added a lot to my toolbox, some things that I never would have predicted would enter my skill set, if you’d asked me in 2019.